Monday, September 29, 2008

Fashion Photography

Here's a fashion shoot I did for a clothing designer based out of Houston, Texas, you can visit her site at She is an amazing person!!

Make-up & Hair by Stacey www.modelmayhem/staceartist

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Environment Photography

So I wanted to share these adorable children I shot today...okay so they're mine, but I just love these!! I'll tell you why, because these are what I call "Environment shots". They are photographed using natural light, and in my kids natural surroundings (their own toys in their own rooms), it doesn't get any more sentimental than that!! So here they are!!

look how proud he is of his "Cars"collection!!

If you want me to shoot your kids like these, here are some pointers:

1) Every child has something they love whether it's a favorite teddy, doll, hot wheels, riding horses, or even eating popcorn! They may be things they will eventually outgrow, and needs to be documented! It's also what brings out the best smiles in our children and makes them feel the most comfortable.

2) Natural light is best, if you have a room that faces south usually early to mid morning is the best time to photograph. The best thing to do is pick the room you want me to shoot in, and check when the room is the brightest. No worries if light does not spread throughout the room, I can use reflectors to widen the light source.

3) If you want to shoot outdoors, sunset time is best. The light is golden and beautiful at this time. So schedule a shoot about an hour before sunset.

:) Somer

Saturday, September 27, 2008

My first time blogging

I 'm the girl who is always on the go, and will take the time to breathe, but it only last for about 5 minutes, and them I'm off again. So today, I turned to my husband, and said "Babe, I'm going to start a blog!" Now there are truly not enough hours in the day, and I complain about this often, but he is soo supportive that he doesn't even tell me that I have enough on my plate. Oh, back up a bit, the fact that God made our bodies need sleep and food EVERYDAY really hinders our spirit from getting all the things done that we want to accomplish before we pass!! God really gave us a challenge! Bees don't sleep...they have way too much work to do, and bears hibernate (although I'm thankful we don't do that, imagine emailing people during their hibernating time, wow that would take some time to get a reply...oh wait we would all be hibernating at the same time...oh no that wouldn't work!) Well anyway, Here's what I hope my "blog" venture will do.

1) Help me to remember the small priceless moments my family share, and share that with my family, because I have very limited short term memory.

2) Share images of the amazing people I photograph!!

3) Help bring attention to charities and volunteer work! Life really isn't about us, but about each other.

4) Share about AMAZING people I encounter!!!

and 5) VENT!!!

If no one even reads this, no big deal, it's really for my spirit....what a way to make an imprint in this world for my children, future grandchildren, and their children...they at least better read it.. lol!

Well thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoy this photograph I took of my daughter Brooklyn at 8months!

- Somer