Editorial Feature

Ask Somer Lynne Padilla of Somer Lynne Photography in Spring what pictures she likes best of her own four kids and she’ll tell you, “They’re the ones I took in natural light, in my kids’ own natural surroundings, wearing their favorite outfits, playing with their favorite toys. They help me remember my children the way they are at a certain age—not posing for the camera—but eating popcorn, riding their big wheels, laughing as they descend a slide, the wind tussling their hair, full of life and personality.”

Somer is an accomplished fine art photographer who owned and operated her own highly successful studio in Los Angeles for nine years. Her work has appeared in national publications and includes commercial and event photography, family portraiture, children, high school seniors, boudoir shots, musician/band album covers, headshots and most anything else. She is well-respected for her unique, creative style and approach to photography.

“I love photographing families and really capturing the dynamics and personality of each family member,” she said. Somer has an amazing talent for seeing the beauty in each person and drawing it out for the world to celebrate. Employing creative lighting and angles, she has a talent for photographing each person and making them look their best.

Somer feels honored, each and every time, a family welcomes her into their home, into their family, to create some of their most cherished possessions for generations to come. “When I’m gone, those pictures will be with the families forever.”

“Your children are growing and changing every day,” Somer said. “The things you love about them now and think you’ll never forget can be gone before you realize it. Pictures help you remember every unique expression—the laughing, the crying—and everything in between.” (Check out plenty of those expressions at somerlynne.com.)
Somer and her husband also provide state-of-the-art graphic design, billboard design, logo design, branding and much more through their Epicenter Media Group at epicentermediaonline.com.

by Meredith Knight